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Is it possible to setup and turn on or off tracking by Visca commands

Yes, here  is the Visca commands for 1080P version

(90482-970, 90483-970, 90492-970, 90493-970)

81 0A 11 A3 00 FF Turn off AI Tracking
81 0A 11 A3 01 FF Single mode
81 0A 11 A3 02 FF Automatic framing
81 0A 11 A3 03 FF Demo mode

Here  is the Visca commands for 4K version(90482-960, 90492-960)

81 0A 11 54 02 FF Turn on AI Tracking
81 0A 11 54 03 FF  Turn off AI Tracking
81 0A 11 A3 02 FF Choose people left
81 0A 11 A3 03 FF Choose people right
81 0A 11 A3 04 FF Confirm AI Track is turned on